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Mr.Sukhjeet Singh, (Principal)

"Voracious appetite for learning new things about many topics To acquire knowledge and context of why things are as they are How they fit together Language, History, Politics, Science Eat from the buffet, some from each bar."

VSRCS gives a platform to which the young learners are endowed with the capacity to give a fillip to the exteriorization of their inner talents.

I must express my pride at the fact that the school is working unrestricted, providing to its students an environment conducive to all round development and learning. In the 21st Century, the digital revolution is affecting all. In this era if a child's work is appreciated, it results in heightened self- esteem, which is turn results in self-motivation and enables the child to develop as a whole. "To find what you seek in the road of life- Leave no stone unturned".

We, at Viraj Shri Ram Centennial School, believe that each child is genius, waiting to be discovered. What he needs is love, appreciation and gentle but firm support that would give him wings of confidence and then- "Even the sky is not the limit".

Time taken out to compose their thoughts and achievements towards honing their skill matters most and must not be ignored at any phase. We envision students planning and implementing their own learning in the near future as the great use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it. "If we did all the things we are really capable of, we would literally astound ourselves".

Mr.Sukhjeet Singh, (Principal)

"Voracious appetite for learning new things about many topics To acquire knowledge and context of why things are as they are How they fit together Language, History, Politics, Science Eat from the buffet, some from each bar."

VSRCS gives a platform to which the young learners are endowed with the capacity to give a fillip to the exteriorization of their inner talents.

I must express my pride at the fact that the school is working unrestricted, providing to its students an environment conducive to all round development and learning. In the 21st Century, the digital revolution is affecting all. In this era if a child's work is appreciated, it results in heightened self- esteem, which is turn results in self-motivation and enables the child to develop as a whole. "To find what you seek in the road of life- Leave no stone unturned".

We, at Viraj Shri Ram Centennial School, believe that each child is genius, waiting to be discovered. What he needs is love, appreciation and gentle but firm support that would give him wings of confidence and then- "Even the sky is not the limit".

Time taken out to compose their thoughts and achievements towards honing their skill matters most and must not be ignored at any phase.

We envision students planning and implementing their own learning in the near future as the great use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it. "If we did all the things we are really capable of, we would literally astound ourselves".


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