Admissions Enquiry
School Attendance

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We are affiliated to the CBSE and our curriculum is based on this examination System. We are mandated to follow the guidelines laid down by them in various issues. Attendance is one such issue. School holidays and vacation period dates are calendared. The school has taken in to account all the major festivals / occasions that are relevant to the area in which the school based. These are dates on which a student is normally not required to attend school. However, in the event that the student is required for a rehearsal or any such issue to be decided by the principle, the students will report to the school in the requisite uniform even on a holiday, unless otherwise permitted. Attendance is compulsory for all students on all days. In case the student is unable to attend school for a particular reason, the procedure given below is to be followed:

  1. A student must obtain permission from the principal or the designated authority in writing before leave is availed.
  2. A student may take medical leave for a period determined only by the child's doctor, who must be a "Registered Medical Practitioner". It should be noted carefully that a certificate from a non-recognized medical person will not be accepted. If parent finds the child unwell in the morning of a school day, the parent may refrain from sending the child to school. He must, however, inform the school authorities immediately, preferably via e-mail or written to Principal.
  3. A short leave may be taken in working day by taking prior permission from principal.
  4. Repeated absences without leave or unexplained absence for more than seven Consecutive days renders the students liable to disciplinary action.
  5. It is compulsory for the students to complete 75% attendance in the year to make them eligible for the final examination or assessment.

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